Julian Stadon: Director
is an Australian artist/designer/curator/researcher/educator. First studying Marine Biology, then Fine Arts and a Master of Electronic Art, his current PhD research focuses on how art can better our understandings of augmentation aesthetics, identity, & the relationship between bodies, embodied data and data bodies.
His nomadic practice-based research interfaces art, bio-digital entanglements, embodied interactivity, food ecologies, culture and society. He was the founder of Dorkbot Perth and marart.org and has worked in academia since 2006 is Programme Leader of Creative Computing @ Winchester School of Art. He also teaches on the Interface Cultures Programme @Kunstuniversität Linz

Daniel Fischer
is an artist, technician and interface creator based in Linz, Austria. After his electronics education, he discovered his love for art and is currently studying his Masters at the Interface Cultures Programme at Kunsitunversität Linz.
His artistic work is mainly concerned with physical visualizations of data and multilayered social processes., though for TeleAgriCulture and the Islands of the Day Before Project, Daniel has taken the role of technical lead. In particualr Daniel has singinifcantly developed our hardware ecosystem, reducing the cost of our boards by 1/5 of the previous version and also has adapted our system for LoRaWAN anda wider range of network solutions. https://daniel-fischer.at

Margaretha Haughwout
is an interventionist artist whose work is also situated in the fields of eco-art and emerging media. Based in Central New York, she created and maintains the Food Forest Studio and organizes an annual scion exchange called Grafters X, for bioregional eco-artists and fruit tree enthusiasts to continue tactical food forestry toward abundant food forest futures. She received her MFA in Digital Art and New Media from the University of California Santa Cruz, and is currently Associate Professor of Emerging Media at Colgate University.
Margaretha is one of our first satellite partners and has been involved in several of our projects, along with being in our cultural and project advisory team.

Nick Briz
is an internationally recognized new-media artist, educator and organizer. His work investigates the promises and perils of living in an increasingly digital and networked world. He’s co-founder of netizen.org a nonprofit focused on digital literacy and digital culture, he’s Associate Professor Adjunct at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Lecturer at the University of Chicago, and a freelance Creative Technologist.
Nick is also a founder of the glitch art movement and brings his post-digital criticality to our data interfacing projects and project thinking.

Christoph Ebner
aka Eblie aka APE LEE comes from the subculture, steel mill and Art university and is/was busy in various vereins and collectives in Linz including the Bikekitchen/BK, Kapu, STWST, Rusty Donkey, 3erH0F etc. …
Artistically active with punk & music performances, social sculptures, machines and interventions, hiscurrent projecst include Kreishell, Laboratory Analog, A.T.M. the No wow wows.. blah blah.
Eblie brings his knowledge to several of our projects working on the production team and making really cool art projects.

Jan Misker
Jan loves to work on interdisciplinary projects, on the cross-section of art, technology and society. He learned a lot about this as project manager at V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam, NL (2006 – 2020). Prior to this he worked as a PhD researcher at Delft University of Technology, NL and at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.
Jan has been with us since we started and works on our backend server ecosystems, our application features and also in our technical advisory team. He’s also a certified yoga instructor.

Boris Debackere
is a media artist with his main interest being the possible integration of different expression forms, with an emphasis on electronic sound and image. Most of his recent work and research is concentrated on translating and transforming the cinema concept into other forms like Live Cinema performances and audiovisual installations. His work includes ‘vortices’ and ‘probe’ reactive installations dealing with the relationship between the viewer and the screen. Boris teaches at LUCA School of Art in Brussels and is Lab Manager at V2_ Rotterdam.
Boris has been with us since we started and works on our cultural + project development advisory teams. He is also our unofficial fancy food and wine expert.