Ars Electronica University: Welcome to Planet B Mentor and Project Facilitator ++ TeleAgriCulture Workshop, 2022

For the 2022 Ars Electronica Festival Julian Stadon was asked to take the role as one of the mentors for the Ars Electronica Festival University for the second year that the programme took place. 

Even before the festival began, 200 students from over 70 countries spent four weeks at the Festival University of Ars Electronica with JKU scientists, artists, and many other high-ranking experts from all areas of art, technology, science, and society and Julian was one of six mentors, looking after, coaching and mentoring a group of around 40 students. We were given the theme of Water, with the side of the public right to free access to drinkable water and the students had to  develop strategies and solutions and experience the complexity of one of the most significant challenges of our time ,in a fictitious international environmental court simulation, named The International Environmental and Climate Court. 

The students did an amazing job and were a pleasure to work with, and also to get to know, as such an interesting and diverse group of future leaders. 

Luckily there was also time between mentoring/managing the student preparations for their event, the lectures, workshops and excursions and out satellite show Hedonistika at DH5 (all within a very tight 4 day period) we also managed to give a TeleAgeriCulture workshop to around 30 of the participating students, with several good discussions, ideations and project ideas emerging! 

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