Islands of the Day Before Panel @ ISEA 2022

In 2022 TeleAgriCulture presented at ISEA in two capacities: one as an institutional presentation and the other was a vibrant panel discussion on the main stage on the topic of food ecologies, within the framework of the Islands of the Day Before project. 

The institutional presentation presented a brief overview of the history, goals and initiatives of the TeleAgriCulture platform and our projects and had a surprisingly enthusiastic response, with several workshops and partnerships emerging from this rather short talk, that were then carried out later in 2022. 

The panel, with the full title Islands of the Day Before: Artistic Exploration in Post-Anthropocenic Food Ecologies, introduced the project of the same name that had just commenced a few months earlier, and introduced a discourse relating to it’s particular aspects relating to food ecologies. Chair and kicked off by Julian Stadon, the panel also benefited from the insights, rich projects and discussions from Marta de Menezes, Maya Minder, Maro Pebo, Erik Zepka and Roland van Dierendonck. 

Each panelist presented a short presentation in response to the kick off discourse, which ranged from conceptual and artistic inquiries and investigations to comments, reflections and retrospections.  A copy of the text for the panel (and the institutional presentation) can be downloaded below and can be watched here: